Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Doing awesome!

Doing great so far this month! Put 1k on the student loans so far and plan on doing another 1k - 1.5k on them before the end of the month. We are now in the 9k range on the loans! Woot! We'll be free of them in just a few months!!!!

Have not ate out at all. Everything has been cooked at home. I did throw a Xmas party, which in all set me back $200 but since I work a second job whenever I feel like it, I am going to go to work this weekend to pay that back. So really, the Xmas party was free.

I need to break out the budget book and fill it out for what has been spent where this month, but at least the checkbook is now balanced. The second paychecks of the month will be rolling in this week so we'll be good to go there. Those checks go to insurance payments, thats it. Anything extra gets thrown at the loans.

Right now we're ahead one month on the mtg payment, which is a good thing. We haven't had an issue at all with scraping up money for anything because everything is alloted out at the begining of the month, not as the bills come up. So I'm very happy with how we are managing our incomes.

Still putting about 300 away in a money market. We want it to be more, but right now we need to student loans gone, so thats about all we got. Another 25 bucks is also going into a seperate savings account for the dogs. Just in case we get a vet bill we have money socked away for that.

Next post will be the end of the month!

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