Thursday, December 16, 2010

I decide to wait till the lemons rot and then buy oranges!

So I can't remember if I mentioned in my last post that Buck is going to need surgery to fix a torn ACL. The surgery is 1500 and I have decided to not go to school next semester because I am not going to risk pulling money out of savings and then using the money that we would have put in savings all in one month. I HATE touching our savings account, like beyond hate it. I also hate not saving for one month, that I really hate. So I have to play the money game very carefully as my husband and I have been very cautious with our money the past 1.5 years of marriage and I plan on keeping it that way. (run on sentences anyone ;) )

So, what if we don't do the surgery? Well then we risk further complications to both of his legs. Arthritis is a big one that can form in the now really bum leg and then the other leg from having to bear all the weight. Buck is not a small dog.... so his bones are pretty well weighted down.

Further talk about money, I think this is a little eye opening to me and after we get our initial savings in the bank, I think I am going to open a separate account just for our pets. I would like a min of 5k in it, so if my horse gets sick, the dogs get sick, or some sort of freak accident happens, we aren't faced with tough decisions.

In other money news, our savings account (memeber how I mentioned I HATE touching it?) has been taking a beating this month. Thank god I don't get hyped on gift buying because we would be screwed!

So in all, our savings is down by 2500, this is a combination of a lot of things over the last two months but I am optimistic that we will get this put back in in 3 months, then we can move forward with our 10k goal by summer.

I also plan on posting here more often

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Long time no post!

Since we all know that the student loan has been ditched, the month of March was awkward to say the least with paying bills. I actually wasn't sure how to pay the bills.

Let me start by saying it was NOT a OMG WE HAVE ALL THIS EXTRA MONEY THIS MONTH WHAT ARE WE GOING TO BUY! We did go out to eat twice last month but that was about it on the spending extra front. We took our savings account from $0 to $1800, which is a big thing for me because I was super nervous having nothing in savings. I think the biggest challenge was figuring out how to delegate the money.

Used to be I would pay one set of bills in the early month and the other set in the later month, so that I could put equal money on the student loan. In March I was able to pay all the monthly bills in one paycheck thus leaving the second check open to whatever. (savings) I think what I'm going to do this month is pay exactly as I had been paying and keep throwing money into savings that would have gone on the loan. I'm also going to take out our blow money in cash every month to control the spending there as well as our food money. (the hardest one for me to track)

My savings goal this month is 2000.... which is a large number, but I am confident that we can get there. That would put 3800 in our savings and be a soft cushion for anything that could happen. Since my work will decrease over the summer (going back to school) summer month savings will be at 1500.

And that is my money front. Frugal tips and tricks to come next week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Guess what we did last month? Just guess... I'll leave you to contemplate...


So now that all that excitement is out, we have figured out we have extra money.... quite a bit of extra money. This month alone I have no use for my paycheck and no use for Joe and I's second paychecks of the month. They are going straight into savings. Do you know what that feels like? It's absolutely a dream! Our only debt is our house. Right now payoff on that has not begun because of me going back to school and we want 10k in the bank first. Which I really don't see us having a problem doing.

The cool thing about this is I feel safer now than I did before. We can always scrape up enough to pay the necessities, and not feel like we're drowning. I've been relooking at buying another horse as well..... Crazy right!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Been a Hermit

Yeah yeah yeah, I know this blog has been somewhat neglected. Not intentionally mind you.Been searching for a job, but its so bleak. Yuck. I wish I could find like something awesome to work with while I go back to school. I have to be creative, I can do this I know it.

I haven't really spent any (correction: I haven't) money since Saturday. I haven't left the house since Sunday, sad I know. I just haven't had anything to buy or anywhere to go. I have had friends over for dinner Tuesday and yesterday and had everything to make two awesome meals for 4 people here at home. I haven't even begun to deplete my supply of food.... I guess I've bought well.

I'm still waiting on my checks from the state and I think next week I will have to go in to turn in my six week job hunt. I've been looking for claims jobs but I think what I need to do is get my resume out there to a few more agents. I could do pt in the summer with school, I just need to get to it.

I'm blabbling.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I think we are steadily moving towards our goal! The student loan pay off date is a tentative March! MARCH It was supposed to be April but we are getting enough back in taxes to go ahead and kill. I also got accepted into UofL again! I am finishing up the paperwork and will mail it tomm, hopefully get into advising pretty quickly and get on with this school finishing stuff! WOOT!

I currently have a ton of Brussels sprouts that I need to eat. Those are pretty much going to go with every meal this week. I also have zucchini to finish up, but I just figured out the correct way for miso soup so I can put them in that to finish them up. YUM.

In other news, Joe and I had our money talk at Outback of all places. Haha! I'm sure the waiter was like, these assholes have no money, since I had the checkbook out and we were budgeting out stuff. I'm glad that Joe and I are on the same page about money. It's so awesome to have a spouse that follows your beliefs and vise versa.

I have no real tips for this blog at the moment. My canning is done for the moment until the garden season tips off. So I am out!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I found out that my boss did not report my 09 1st quarter earnings! How frustrating! That means I will have to go down to the unemployment office next week with my old paycheck stubs and prove that I actually did work. YUCK.

Joe has been hinting at me working only pt for awhile. Apparently the REALLY likes me home. He said if I can find something in the morning and be home mid-afternoon to cook and clean he would be happy. Honestly, I would be happy. I'm kinda having fun just being a housewife, it makes me think *gasp* I want a kid. HA!

As far as finances go? We're fine. Even with the screw up from my old boss. Sure we have tightened the budget a little, but eh. Remember kids, there are bills that come fact, lets go over these:

1.) The house
- Mortgage payments are the FIRST thing that I budget for every month. I don't care what our checking account looks like, its the first thing that comes out of the checkbook. In fact the payment isn't due till the 1st of the NEXT month, but I like to debit it while I have the money to do so.

2.) The utilities
- Lights and water are IMPORTANT. These are the next items. I need water to cook, shower, launder and to some extent use the bathroom. I need electricity to cook, not so much light. If I had a gas stove I'd still need the electric company. One day I'd like an all wood stove......

3.) Food
- Basic people! I am currently canning and stockpiling. I would like a year in the stockpile but I think realistically I can fit about 6 months worth in our house. I need food next to survive.

4.) Insurance
- This is the deal breaker and important. Joe and I have car, home, health, dental, and life insurance. If I worked a job where they offered it I would decline. I like choosing for myself what I need.

5.) Student Loan
- This is pretty much killed. We have about 7k left on a 21k loan! Tell me thats not dedication. If worse came to worse my next payment isn't due till 2014.... but I am fairly certain it has a death wish in April.

Those are how I itemize out my bills, in that order. If something happened, the bills would still be paid like that. Its important, in my own mind, to put the necessities FIRST, then worry about the rest. Shelter, food, and light are the most important to me, hence the top three.

That concludes this informative post. Hopefully in the next few days I can post even more useful frugal stuff! Oh, and change the horrid color scheme.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fun Times

Soooo I lost my job a week ago. I was laid off. The good thing is, Joe and I looked at our budget about two weeks ago for this very reason since I was afraid this was going to happen. We set out a couple goals for the month because of this.

A.) We're not eating out this month
B.) We are going to be very careful where every cent goes.
C.) I've been learning how to live more frugally

Part C brings up an interesting point, that I think I have mentioned before; if it ain't broke don't fix it. I swear I could have lived during the Great Depression and could have survived. Every single piece of furniture in our house is used including all the tv's. Even our Wii is used! Our water heater is broken but still works. It requires us to turn it on manually each time we need it, but until it quits completely we will still use it.

Since I'm now laid off I am making an awesome effort to really make a lot of homemade prepared foods. Right now there is two stockpots on the stove full of beef bones and water. Tomorrow I'm getting a pressure canner and I'm going to can the stock. I can make almost 2 gallons of stock a lot cheaper than buying it.

I also found a recipe for homemade laundry detergent, so once the stuff we have runs out, we are just going to make it. I'm going to get the garden going as well this year since I will have the canner and I can can for the next winter.

Hopefully we are still able to meet our goals this year of having the student loan paid off by April. I think we can still do it as long as we pinch pennies like never before. Part of it is me, I'm the spender in the household and so I am going to have to pause before EVERY purchase and ask what the opportunity cost of that item it.The canner will be money, along with the cans for the job, but the long term savings of it will be more than worth it. I hope to never buy stock again. In my food blog I am going to break down the costs and see if it was worth it. The only downfall to it is the amount of energy that is going to be used I am not sure how to calculate. HMMMM.

Anywho, that is the update at the moment. I will start actively looking for a job again next week probably, I wanted a minute to clear my head and figure out what I am going to do. Which I'm still not 100% sure.